
A Fun, Exciting Read for Children: ‘Trey the Chef’

Jan 14, 2020

Child with autismIn today’s post, we want to talk about ‘Trey the Chef’, a lovely book written by Kira Parris-Moore. This book is inspired by the cooking adventures of the author’s son Trey, a curious and playful boy with autism. The riveting story of Trey as a celebrated chef attempts to drive home the point that an autism diagnosis does not necessarily mean a lack of talent or intelligence. 

Children with autism may struggle with several aspects of their life including social communication and sensory responses.They may also have repetitive behaviours and obsessive tendencies. However, it is wrong to presume that these behaviours can only be detrimental. With the right kind of support, children with autism can overcome their challenges and channel their obsession to hone their individual talents.

Trey, for instance, loves the culinary art. Much before he tried his hand at cooking, he enjoyed watching family members put together delicious meals in the kitchen. He diligently pursues his interest in cooking by watching several cooking shows. He is fascinated by elaborate recipes and exciting cooking techniques. His family actively encourages his interest by enrolling him in a cooking class. Focusing on his strengths gives Trey a chance to explore his creativity and potential. It also boosts his self-esteem and motivates him to get better at the skill of his choice. 

children with autismThe story of Trey’s exceptional culinary skills serves as a great motivator for all children. It also reminds parents that every child is capable of excellence if they are adequately supported. Get your copy of ‘Trey the Chef’ now at Books2inspire.com.

Reading stories such as ‘Trey the Chef’ enriches a child’s life by stimulating their imagination. For readers who struggle with fluency or comprehension, assistive apps such as MDA Avaz Reader can help discover the joy of reading. By offering reading support such as picture, syllable and word family hints, the app can be a digital reading buddy that motivates a child to expand their vocabulary and enhance their language skills.

About the Author:

Kira Parris-Moore is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist, with years of experience in the Mental Health field. A mother of two young boys, she is passionate about helping children with developmental and behavioural issues. She loves poetry and has a knack for creative writing. She hopes that her story will provide inspiration to several families that are struggling to deal with the challenges of their children with special needs.