
All I Want for Christmas.. Is to be Heard!

Dec 23, 2019

Of course, your child wants the Frozen 2 singing doll, Baby shark song puppet or one of the hottest toys of the season. But to truly be part of all the festivities, it is more important for them to have their AAC system handy at all times. So, right from the day you decide to put the tree up in the house, all through the holidays, ensure constant availability of the AAC system.

Don’t we always talk about communication opportunities in AAC? The holidays are the perfect time to get your child to use AAC and participate in all the fun Christmas activities.

Christmas Decorations 

Tree decorating is an art, they say. It’s more an art project. And the more help you get, the better. Get your child involved in decking up the tree. Gamify the task so that children are excited about it. Here are 3 fun ideas to use AAC for tree decoration:

  1. Create a list of ornaments and load the vocabulary in the child’s AAC system. When the child chooses an ornament, the first family member to find the ornament from the box, gets to add it to the tree. This can be an exciting game to play with siblings and cousins.  Alternatively, you can also have family members take turns decorating the tree.
  2. Let your child request their favourite ornaments using the AAC system. Hand them the ornaments one by one as your child requests it, and soon you will have a gorgeous looking tree.
  3. Pick any ornament from the box. The family member who names it first gets to add it to the tree. Play this game with a limited set of ornaments, so that your child does not have to navigate much in the AAC system to name the ornaments. 

Christmas Cards

Each family has their own Christmas traditions, be it ice skating outdoors, or visiting a holiday fair. If your family sends out christmas cards every year, how about giving the tradition a nice AAC twist? 

Create relevant icons in the child’s AAC system so that they can send greetings to loved ones, by sharing them on social media. Your friends and family will be more than thrilled to receive personalized greetings from your child. You can share messages created in Avaz AAC app through several social media and messaging apps including Whatsapp, Facebook, and Hangouts.

Christmas Fashion

Whether you are one of those families that rock hand knit sweaters or matching pajamas, let your child participate in deciding the family’s Christmas outfits. Candy canes, snowflakes, reindeer, or star wars? Onesies or collared Pjs? These are important decisions that determine your style quotient during Christmas. Make sure that your child gets a say in them through their AAC system. If you prefer shopping online, have your child sit next to you, and pick the pattern and colour the whole family can agree on. 

Christmas is all about getting together as a family and appreciating life’s blessings. This Christmas, switch up the fun by including your child in every holiday activity. If you are hosting a party or attending one, read this post to learn useful tips for a magical Christmas.


Team Avaz wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. May love, peace, hope, and joy fill your hearts and homes!!!