
Avaz Communication Challenge – Vocabulary Extension

Jan 15, 2015

We had posted the below question on our FB-page and got some great responses.

The answer to the question is Option ( C ).

{Disclaimer: The ‘correct’ answer varies according to the communication level of the child. We would suggest you to consult the child’s therapist for the best advice.}

Extension is similar to expansion, but one step more, where you introduce a new concept that is related to what the child has just said. It is preferable that you introduce only one concept at a time, which makes it easier for the child to digest. For e.g. if your child says “doggie tail” , you can extend it with “Yes! The doggie’s tail is fluffy”. Or if your child says “red flower” you can extend it with “Yes, the red flower is soft”! If your child says “doggie bark” you extend it with “Yes, the doggie is barking, he is hungry.”

Look out for words that your child is uttering and grab that opportunity to build on what he has just said – to expand and extend his language. Extension adds to his language and vocabulary in a natural way. These strategies make communication far more engaging, since the child is encouraged by seeing the parent respond to his statement and this tends to initiate and sustain a conversation.

Expansions and extensions are techniques that parents tend to under-utilize. These strategies not only aid in building the child’s vocabulary, but research has shown that it also helps the child build longer and more meaningful sentences.