
Convert Any Book into Audiobook: Supporting Your Child’s Learning During School Closures

Apr 28, 2020

With school closures, several teachers have expressed how they feel grossly underprepared to teach online. Imagine the plight of children who may have to make do with this arrangement even though it is evidently less than optimal. Remote learning can also be hard for children because of the change in setting and the lack of a collaborative classroom environment. And let’s face it, virtual classrooms have become a burden for parents too. Let’s see how audiobooks can help us support our children’s learning without depleting our energies. 

First, a few facts:

Remote Learning Struggles

Studies suggest that virtual classrooms can affect the performance of students. This means that kids may have to work harder to get good grades –  Lots and lots of reading and spending more time with homework.

Reading Proficiency Facts

One in five children in England cannot read well by the age of 11

67% of fourth-grade students may not read proficiently at their grade level

The English reading proficiency of children in countries where English is not a native language is much lower.

The key thing to note is that low reading comprehension levels affect more than just the scores in the English test.

Link between Reading and Science/Math

The connection between Math/Science and English proficiency may sound far-fetched but studies suggest otherwise. Reading levels and comprehension may have a much larger impact on a child’s academic performance and knowledge than we think.

Audiobook as a Solution for More Reading Practice?

Experts say that children may comprehend text better with audiobooks. Audiobooks are said to help a child improve their fluency and build their vocabulary. The increased fluency may encourage them to read for longer. It also can influence their choice of books with greater chances of them choosing books with high-level words. Audiobooks are said to cater to  the learning styles of average to high-achieving students too, helping them to read beyond their own level.

Make Your Own Audiobook with Avaz Reader

Use any age-appropriate text, be it worksheets, textbooks, storybooks, or magazines. Forget about special PDFs or web resources. Add a page by simply capturing an image with text in it.

Just take a clear picture of the text and have the Reader app read it to you!

You can change the voice accent, speed, font size and more in Settings.













There are also a host of reading supports readily available so children can read independently.

Reading Supports Available:

Download a free trial of Avaz Reader for iOS I Android here. Hope Avaz Reader serves as a reading buddy for your child guiding them whether they are reading for school or for pleasure.