
Happy Father’s Day

Jun 15, 2014

Fathers are special human beings. Some would even say they aren’t human beings at all, but super heroes. But undoubtedly, a father is someone your child looks up to. Little girls want to find a man like their fathers and little boys want to be the type of man that their father is.

A father is someone who is their kid’s biggest fan. He takes them to their soccer games and cheers them on, or he sits in the front row at their school play so he can get the best shot for the photo album. He supports his children as they get older and offers his help where he can. A father is someone who has all the answers. His children may have never asked the questions, but dad is always the first to offer his solution. He has his opinions on how they should handle things, and this may get frustrating as they grow older, but this is his way of trying to help.

fathers day

We know that you fathers are a busy lot. So this father’s day, simply fill in the blanks to this sentence. “I love to spend time with my child because…” and stand a chance to win a $30 iTunes gift card and a free Avaz giveaway (a full featured visual communication app). Send in your answers on Facebook or Twitter, or you could email us at marketing@avazapp.com. Contest runs from 15th June to 21st June. (Terms and conditions apply)

So this father’s day, fill in the blanks to fill up your day!