
Poetry in Pictures using Avaz AAC

Aug 10, 2017

One of the great perks of working at Avaz are the heartwarming stories that we get to hear from our customers. These stories range from a therapist telling us about the breakthrough that they had with her student or from a parent who is beside with excitement to hear their child speak using Avaz.

Recently we received one such story, all the way from Bucharest, Romania. Simona, has been using Avaz for the past few years with her daughter Sara. Simona translated the entire Avaz vocabulary into Romanian and personalized it so that Sara could use it to communicate. How cool is that! Last week, Sara used Avaz to say her first poem at kindergarten. Simona added the poem on Sara’s iPad and she just needed to learn the steps to say it.

Below is the video of the classroom rehearsal!

Kudos to Sara and Simona! Do you have a similar story? Share it with us! It motivates us to push ourselves further.

Sara has a very rare genetic disease called Joubert Syndrome and she has been undergoing therapy treatment since she was 3 months old. Simona has dedicated all her financial resources and created this website – helpsaramaria.ro to create awareness about such rare diseases and also to raise funds for Sara.

If you are interested please follow their Facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/helpsaramaria.ro/ or you can consider contributing here – www.helpsaramaria.ro


Sara has a very rare genetic disease called Joubert Syndrome and she has been undergoing therapy treatment since she was 3 months old. Simona has dedicated all her financial resources and created this website – helpsaramaria.ro to create awareness about such rare diseases and also to raise funds for Sara.

If you are interested please follow their Facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/helpsaramaria.ro/ or you can consider contributing here – www.helpsaramaria.ro