
How Play Therapy Techniques Help Children Cope with Routine Changes

Jul 09, 2020

These are uncertain times and it’s important that we prioritize the emotional and mental health of our families as we come to terms with the new normal. So, we must encourage our loved ones to talk about how they feel and reassure them that it’s okay to feel a bit low at times. The key is to reach out for help when you feel overwhelmed and stay positive.

Masks all around, not being able to go out, virtual classrooms – young children can feel anxious and vulnerable with the changes in their schedules and routines. The inability to express their fears and concerns can make their anxieties worse. This can result in challenging behaviours or deeper emotional struggles. Playtime is an excellent opportunity where you can help children open up and acknowledge their feelings. 

When Play Becomes Therapy

Playing is probably one of the top favourite activities of most children. Apart from fun which is the obvious benefit, playing can also help children build their skills and boost self-esteem. Play therapy is a process by which children of all abilities are given tools to engage in fun activities that provide a sense of belonging and inclusion. This psychological intervention method uses play to address the physical, cognitive, emotional needs of a child. Studies have shown that play therapy can have far greater benefits with parental involvement. It can serve as a method for parents to understand the world through the child’s eyes. 

Benefits of Play Therapy

Playing can help in nurturing skills that are required for children to lead fulfilling lives. Here are some of the skills that can be developed through play:

  1. Self-expression
  2. Self-regulation
  3. Problem Solving 
  4. Addressing Fears
  5. Managing Stress
  6. Social Interactions
  7. Social Communication 
  8. Self-dependence
  9. Sensory behaviours

Simple Play Therapy Activities 

Since each child is unique, a professional play therapist can help in identifying activities that  work best for the child. Here are a few simple activities play therapists recommend to help children cope with their emotions:

The Magic Wand Game

This game that helps children to talk about their fears may not require anything more than a decorated stick. The game involves telling the child that they can use the wand to ask for three wishes. Experts say that most children may talk about their existing problems in at least one of their wishes. Children can also be encouraged  to be specific in their wishes.

‘You can wish for something you would like to change in your life right now’

‘What would you want to disappear from the world to make you happy?’

The Worry Box

Some children who tend to overthink may not know how to process their worries. Asking them to ‘not worry’ may not comfort them because they may feel that their feelings were undermined. By giving them the tools to make sense of their worries, we can help them navigate their negative thoughts.

A ‘worry box’ involves the child  writing or drawing their worries and putting it in a box for safekeeping. An adult can help the child in putting their worries on a piece of paper. Any empty cardboard box lying around the house can be used as a ‘worry box’. Getting the child to decorate the box can help them get comfortable with the process. As each worry is written, the child can be encouraged to talk about the worry. Every day, the worries can be discussed with the child and any new worries can be addressed. This reassures the child that all their worries will be heard and understood.

Deep breathing StarBreathing Exercises

We all know that taking deep breaths can help in calming us when we face stressful situations. Young children may need help in learning how to take deep breaths when they feel stressed. One simple technique used to teach deep breathing is with shapes. As children trace these shapes, they learn to inhale, hold their breath and exhale to take deep breaths.

Bubbles can also be used to teach deep breathing to children. Blowing a big bubble can help children learn how to breathe deep from the stomach and exhale slowly. Social stories can also be used to tell children how our body can relax when it gets more oxygen. This can help children understand why they feel anxiety in their bodies and that they can deep breathe to calm themselves. 








Hope you found these play therapy techniques useful. Please share your feedback and suggestions in the comment section below.