
25% off on Avaz this Thanksgiving

Nov 27, 2013

Thanksgiving is a time to simply say, Thank you. It is a time to take a moment, stop and think about all the wonderful blessings in our life and be grateful for our family and friends. And to make this season a little more special for you and your family, we’re offering you a 25% discount on Avaz. Do avail of this offer by making a purchase between 28th November and 2nd December 2013.

Happy Thanksgiving from Avaz

Please do spread the Avaz Thanksgiving cheer around you! We’d appreciate it if you talked about the discount with your family and friends (email, tweet, facebook) or those who might need Avaz.

Please do spread the Avaz Thanksgiving cheer around you! We’d appreciate it if you talked about the discount with your family and friends (email, tweet, facebook) or those who might need Avaz.

We know and understand that Thanksgiving, like many holidays, can throw a child with autism into sensory overload. The constant hustle-bustle of the day can be hard on anyone, but for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their parents, stress levels can be particularly high. Following are a few tips to help ease you through the day.

  • Keep your child’s needs in mind when planning your day: Meeting people or having large family get togethers can be hard for your child. Think about alternatives or at least spending a portion of the day with quiet activities.

  • Make sure there is food your child will eat: Thanksgiving feasts can be hard for children who have sensitivities to certain foods. Thus, bring along your child’s favorite foods.

  • Make sure your child has a get-away space: Your child should have a room he can go to if he feels overwhelmed, whether it be in your own house or your relative’s house.

  • Provide a schedule for your child: Talk through the general time line with your child – guests and relatives arriving, what time food will be served, etc. Explain any changes in routine ahead of time.

  • When entertaining in your home, keep changes to décor to a minimum: Rearrange furniture only if needed and use a few holiday decorations.

We’d love to hear your Thanksgiving stories – about how you spent it and how your child enjoyed the day. Why not tweet at us @avazapp or post on our Facebook page to share your stories!

Happy Thanksgiving!